Adjusting to my new normal as a first time Mom | Colorado Photographer | Colorado Family Photographer | Denver Family Photographer | Colorado Fresh 48 Photographer | Denver Fresh 48 Photographer

Two months ago I gave birth to my first child.  The most perfect baby girl.  I have wanted to be a Mom for as long as I can remember and when Stella was born all my dreams came true.  I knew life would be different, but I didn’t know how different.  Instead of spending my days taking photos, editing photos and scouting new locations I now spend my days breastfeeding, doing laundry and changing diapers.  I most certainly wouldn’t change it, but I don’t think I grasped exactly how time consuming it would be.  I knew a baby would require constant attention but I didn’t realize I wouldn’t even have time to keep up on anything that had to do with my business.  But again, I absolutely wouldn’t change it. 


My husband was super Dad for the first month.  He did everything around the house, took care of me and even changed tons of diapers.  Thankfully I happen to be lucky enough to have a husband who gets paid paternity leave.  One month of paid paternity leave, and it was a life saver.  We both said on numerous occasions “how do single Mom’s do this?”  And I think that is a question I will ask forever.  So if you are single Mom and reading this I give you an incredible amount of credit.  


Now, two months in and were loving our new normal!  I’ll admit, I’ve been pretty lazy.  There’s been lots of TV and movie watching but now it includes baby snuggles.  If you have any show or movie recommendations please comment below and let me know!  I’m always looking for something new!  We have a nice steady routine now so things aren’t chaotic like they were at the beginning.  And best of all….Stella is sleeping 7-9 hours a night.  I like to think I’m the luckiest Mom ever!  


Here are some pictures of Baby Stella!!!!!


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